| | Song List Archive --
for those on "hiatus" or on "trial"

General songs Portland
The Canucks Referees
General purpose songs:
Guantanemera -- variations -- not used together Hear
One Jason Farrell, there's only one Jason Farrell...
Score in a minute, we're gonna score in a minute...
(to the opponent): Score in a brothel, you couldn't score in a
Too friggin' easy, this is too friggin' easy... |
One-nil (tune: Go West - Pet Shop Boys) Hear Sample
One nil, to the lads in white... (change score as necessary!) |
We love you Sounders
We love you Sounders,
We do,
We love you Sounders,
We do,
We love you Sounders,
We do,
Oh Sounders, we love you
"Who put the ball" (tune: Skip to my Lou),
replace opponent as needed
Who put the ball in the Timbers net,
Who put the ball in the Timbers net,
Who put the ball in the Timbers net
Super Jason Farrell |
Come on you lads
Come, on, you, lads in white,
Come on you lads in white,
Come on you lads, come on you lads in white |
Go Sounders
Go Sound-ers, Go Sound-ers, Go Sounders SE-ATT-LE (repeat) |
"Everywhere we go" (military cadence style):
Everywhere we go (leader)
Everywhere we go (everyone)
People want to know (leader)
People want to know (everyone, etc)
Who we are
Who we are
So we tell them
So we tell them
We are the Sounders
We are the Sounders
Mighty mighty Sounders
Might mighty Sounders
Drum beats x 11, SOUNDERS!!
Drum beats x 11, SOUNDERS!! |
"Here WE GO" (tune: Stars & Stripes Forever)
Here we go, here we go, here we go.
Here we go, here we go, here we goooh. (repeat) |
"Come on Sounders" --- long and drawn out
You are my Sounders (tune: "You are my
You are my Sounders, my only Sounders,
You make me happy when skies are grey,
You never notice how much I love you,
So please don't take my Sounders away! |
Another for when the opposition misses a sitter
He shot, he missed, he must be really pissed,
(player name or number), (player name or number) |
Hush Timbers (tune: "Hush Children, what's that
Hush Timbers what's that sound
Everybody look who's going down... (point at scoreboard.) |
for opposing player booking -- (tune: COPS theme):
Bad boys, bad boys
whatcha gonna do,
whatcha gonna do
when they come for you!!! (repeat) |
when we're winning (tune: "Jingle
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way
oh what fun it is to watch
the Sounders win away-ay!!
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way
oh what fun it is to watch
the Whitecaps lose away-ay!!
There's only one Preston Burpo (tune: "Winter Wonderland")
There's only one Preston Burpo,
Only one Preston Burpo.
We're walking along, singing this song,
Walking in a Burpo Wonderland. |
Benny Somoza (tune: "Jimmy") Hear Sample The
B, the E, the N, the N, the Y,
The B, the E, the N, it's Benny! It's Benny! |
Scum fought the law (tune: "I Fought the Law")
Use when opposing player is booked or sent off...
[Player's name] fought the law, and the law won
[Player's name] fought the law, and the LAW WON |
Songs to wind up the opposing support and players:
Portland Back to top
"Lumberjacks in shorts" (tune: Yellow Submarine)
We all laugh at lumberjacks in shorts,
lumberjacks in shorts,
lumberjacks in shorts (repeat) |
"Where's your trophies" (tune: My darling Clementine) Hear Sample
Where's your trophies, where's your trophies,
where's your trophies, Timber fans?
Haven't gone none,
Never had one,
Where's your trophies, Timber fans? |
Opponent's Addams Family (tune: Addams Family Theme)
Their father is their brother,
Their sister is their mother,
They like to shag each other,
The Timbers family,
Da da da da <snap snap> Da da da da <snap snap>
Da da da da, Da da da da, Da da da da <snap snap> |
Came for the mace (tune: Guatanemera)
Came for the mace, you only came for the mace.... |
A simple chant for NASL/WSL/USL futility:
3 leagues, no cups (clap clap, clap clap clap) |
"Bobby Howe"
He's white,
he's mean,
he's older than the queen,
Bobby Howe,
Bobby Howe. |
"Day trippers" (Tune: Popeye the Sailor)
Day trippers, Day trippers go home
Day trippers, Day trippers go home
Get back on your bus, leave Seattle to us
Day trippers, Day trippers go home |
Vancouver Back to top
"Beat on the Craps" (tune: Beat on the brat -
Beat on the Craps,
Beat on the Craps,
Beat on the craps, with a baseball bat
Oh Yeah.... Oh Yeah... Oh Oh
Came for prescriptions (tune: Guatanemera) -- a
humorous poke at the cost of prescription drugs in USA
Came for prescriptions, we only came for prescriptions... |
Going Down (Tune: London Bridge)
Vancouver's going down,
going down, going down,
Vancouver's going down,
Like their hookers! |
Wanky Whitecaps
Wanky, wanky, wanky,
Wanky, wanky, wanky,
(repeat) |
The Referee
The ref-er-ee's a wanker!! (sung) |
I'm the whistle, I'm the whistle, Hey ref, BLOW ME!!
(chanted, repeatedly) |
2 R's, 4 E's, 1 F in referee!! (chanted) |
Pass the bong ref (tune: My Darling Clementine) Hear Sample
Pass the bong ref, pass the bong ref,
Pass the bong, referee,
One puff ref,
Is enough ref,
Pass the bong, referee!! |
A rope...
We need a rope, a tree, to hang the referee !!!
Crap refs (tune: Go West) Hear Sample
Crap refs, and we're sick of 'em |
All we want... (tune: Yellow Submarine)
All we want is a decent referee,
a decent referee, a decent referee (repeat) |
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